The Art of Clarity in Political Action

Fundraiser for Democrats Abroad (open to U.S. citizens only – for any non-citizens interested, please contact Tammy directly)
The current-events landscape is particularly challenging for politically engaged people right now. A lot of us are struggling with information overload, risk of burnout and general apathy when it comes to functioning in this political climate. How does one cope with the stresses of this environment and still effectively work toward justice?
Dr. Tammy Bosler of Safe Spaces Yoga has created a stress management program for DA’s members and volunteers: 2 sets of 5 weekly sessions each, intended to introduce participants to the foundations of stress management and mindfulness, applied to the situation of political action. The nonviolent direct action strategies embraced by the civil rights movement of the 1960s found their essence in a set of timeless principles:
- BE PRESENT – A regulated nervous system helps you see the situation clearly.
- BE REFLECTIVE – Being rooted in your personal and communal values help you prioritize what is most important (despite all of the noise).
- BE OPEN – You cannot control everything; being comfortable with the unknown helps us avoid making decisions based on fear.
These ideas are in direct alignment with the 4-steps of any direct action movement so eloquently expounded upon in “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” Dr. King’s direct action strategies were inspired by the liberation movement in India in the early 20th century, which were, in turn, inspired by indigenous traditions of mindfulness known as Yoga.
Join Live Online or On-demand
Tuesdays (10 online classes) 17:00 – 18:00 CET
Each session will include and introduction to a stress management techniques (the how and why) followed by practice to learn the technique in our own bodies. After the practical exercise, there will be space for questions or discussions as needed. The 1 hour of time is allotted for the techniques and practice, and Tammy can be available for individual support to answer questions.
Part I: Planting the seeds of Peace
June 4 – July 2
This five week series will focus on the foundations of breath awareness, conscious movement, and meditation. These techniques are time-tested methods to help regulate our nervous system to cultivate a sense of safety that can dramatically impact our state of mind when practiced over time. Participants will practice simple sequences with Tammy, and support for home practice will also be shared so you can make them right for you. Here are the titles of the first five sessions:
- “Expanding our Tolerance: Resetting the Nervous System”
- “Be Here Now: Inviting the Mind to the Present Moment”
- “Your Body & Mind are NOT connected: They are the Same Thing”
- “Trusting your Foundation: Reflecting on our Values”
- “Your Nature is Compassion: Making Friends with your Thoughts”
Part II: Staying anchored in our Values
Oct. 8 – Nov. 5
This five week series will support us all as we press closer to the 2024 election. We will utilize the techniques from Part I and tune in to our own values and actions as we do the work to support voters. This will help provide a safe, reflective space to remind us of the value and importance of our political engagement. Our final session will be on Election Day, when we can only rest in the knowing that we have done our best.
Pricing – for yourself or sponsor another!
- 2/3 of all Tickets prices will go directly to Democrats Abroad
- $150 for all 10 classes (recommended)
- $75 for a 5-series (Part I or Part II)
- $18 per class for a single session
- Sponsorship – Would you like to support a participant?
- On-demand option: for $9 one can access only the recording from a session (which excluded the questions and discussions).
- A limited number of discounted places are also available for those who need it. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Contact Tammy directly with inquiries.
Tammy’s credentials in a nutshell (longer version)
- Scientist, PhD in Physics UC Irvine
- Yoga Educator for 25 years in the Viniyoga Tradition (RYT-500 certified)
- Zen Practitioner for over 10 years in the Kwan Um tradition
- Member of D.A. Germany
- Former Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Fellow at the National Academies of Science
- Former American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Sci. & Tech Policy Fellow at the National Science Foundation