About Tammy

Reading Time: 5 minutes
Assisi 2012

Dr. Tammy Bosler is a unique individual who has combined her passion for science and spirituality in a remarkable way. She has a PhD in astrophysics, which she received in 2004 from the University of California, Irvine, and has been studying Yoga since 1999, with a focus on the Viniyoga tradition. With a 500-hour teacher training certification from the American Viniyoga Institute (AVI), she is also a Registered Yoga Teacher and education provider (RYT 500 & E-RYT 200) through the International Yoga Alliance.

Throughout her Yoga journey, Tammy has been passionate about creating an inquiry-based approach to her practice and teachings that is inclusive, compassionate, introspective, and rooted in both science and tradition. Her background in astrophysics gives her a unique perspective on the world and allows her to bring a scientific lens to the ancient practice of Yoga.

Tammy’s teaching style is directed towards the therapeutic applications of Yoga in the lives of her students. She likes to encourage her students to consider their goals and how they can use Yoga to enrich their lives, both physically and mentally. Her classes often incorporate chanting, Yoga postures, breath work, visualization, self-reflection, and meditation, tailored to the needs and interests of her students.

Tammy has been teaching both adults and children part-time since 2002 and has assisted Mirka Scalco Kraftsow for her online Sangha and in the Path to Wholeness retreats in Assisi, Italy from 2012 to 2023. She continues to support and promote Mirka’s work.

In addition to her Yoga teachings, Tammy is a dedicated practitioner who brings a deep sense of compassion and introspection to her practice. She is a true embodiment of the ancient wisdom of Yoga, infused with modern scientific knowledge and a strong commitment to inclusivity. Tammy currently resides and teaches in Regensburg, Germany, where she continues to inspire and uplift the lives of those she touches through her teachings.

My Teachers / Collaborators

I have been blessed to have many teachers in the forms of the people who help carry me through this life.  There are three people, in particular, who shared a lot of time and energy transmitting their understanding of the tools of Yoga – Mirka Kraftsow, Juris Zinbergs, and Gary Kraftsow.

Dr. Bosler’s First Career –  (between Yoga training)

Transmission of Yoga and Digital media work are a second career path.  Since, the question comes up, now and then, about what Tammy did before turning primarily toward Yoga as a career path, here is a brief summary.

She started working on her PhD in Physics in 1999 at the University of California Irvine with an interested in Astrophysics.  Her degree is in Observational Astrophysics specializing in chemical composition of red giant stars in the Milky Way galaxy and some local dwarf galaxies.  Her dissertation is entitled “The Ca II Triplet as an [Ca/H] Indicator and the Leo I & Leo II Galaxies”.  For those interested, this was a collection of stellar spectra in the near infrared for RGB stars in stellar clusters used to develop an empirical relationship between some observational indices and actual calcium composition of the stars.  An application of this empirical relationship was used on stars in the Leo I and Leo II dwarf galaxies can be found here too.

During her time at UC Irvine, she also started an astronomy and astrophysics outreach program at the local observatory.  She organized a program that reached thousands of adults and children in the community and in schools.  It was the first such program at the University and has now become a corner stone of the Department of Physics & Astronomy.

After her PhD, she moved to Germany with her fiancé but soon found herself back in the US, in Washington DC, pursuing work in science policy.  She worked briefly at the National Academies of Science as a Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellow where she worked on supporting scholars in engineers, particularly focused on issues of minorities not traditional represented in engineering fields.

In 2006, she became a American Association for the Advancement of Science; Science and Technology Fellow (quite a mouthful! AAAS S&T Fellow, for short).  During her fellowship, she worked at the National Science Foundation in the Division of Astronomical Sciences on developing and supporting the national astronomy program.  One her major contributions to the Division was a program she created calls PAARE (Partnerships for Astronomy and Astrophysics Research and Education).  This program helped fund research and education partnerships between traditionally minority surfing instructions and primarily research institutions.  This program has sponsored some fantastic collaborations for talented faculty and students from across the country.

Toward the end of the AAAS, Tammy had a new calling and began to truly think about turning toward the path of Yoga that paralleled all of the work mentioned above.  The deep inner work and deep connections with the many amazing scientists, educators, students and policy makers, kept calling her inward.  Two small children helped the inner journey go even deeper, and eventually, her technical background and experience and training as a Yoga teacher took hold (in the background of the many science jobs, there was ALWAYS at least one Yoga class being fit into the schedule – if you are a scientist looking for a Yoga teacher (or a Yogi looking to know more about science), talk to Tammy.