Online Classes to Support Home Practice
Sept 17 – Nov 26 (11 classes)
Tuesdays 18:30 – 19:30 CET
9:30 AM PST*, 12:30 PM EST*
(* for Class on Oct 29, times for PST and EST will be an hour later due to the time change in Europe)

Class format each week:
- Breath awareness to balance the Nervous System
- Conscious movement (Asana) focusing on mobility and core strength
- Mindfullness – via deep breathing or stillness
SafeSpaces Yoga is an online community supporting home practice with classes inspired from various sources from ancient Yogic philosophy to modern physiology and everything in between. Tammy is well versed in the classic methodologies of Yoga teaching (In the Tradition of Viniyoga of TKV Desikachar), but she is also an autodidactic learner and brings in inspirations from modern science, classical and modern literature, social justice strategies, stress management, and more.
We will practice for an hour each week moving through different aspects of the body and energetic systems. These will be primarily experiential without in depth discussion of theory. We will include conscious movement, breath integration, and stillness.
This online series can be joined as a whole 11-class series or dropping in as you need support.
165 € = 11-class pass (live classes)
18 € = Drop-in any time (or 15 € per class for 10-card holders)