2025 Sangha Gatherings In-Person

We come together, in person, to reconnect, learn from one another and continue to come closer to ourselves.

2025 Dates – each meeting is 3 hours:

Registration through TaraYoga for February gathering
We transform our Karma (activities of our Lives) into our Dharma (our unique spiritual path) with Community

Sangha has a special meaning in the Yoga tradition.   It means “spiritual community”, but members of our Sangha hold a special place that is not quite the place of ‘friendship’ or of ‘family’.  This sense of spiritual community is a place where we can feel safe to explore the depths of ourselves without judgment.

In the case of the local community in Regensburg, it is a place where we can come together with a shared history (some of you have been doing Yoga with me well over 10 years!) and sense of purpose.  We use the practices of Yoga as a means to connect because these techniques help us turn inward.

Sangha is a community that values the wisdom of our lived experiences.  Each of you who has been in my classes knows that your presence is important.  Not just because without you, there are not classes!  But, also because you bring a special wisdom to us, and we can all learn from you.

Each time we gather, I will lead a practice, but I also want to have time to share and hear from you.    I will bring in any teachings from the Yoga tradition as it serves our conversation and needs.  Since we will be in-person, those that join me online can bring questions and challenges from their practices that we can work on together (adjustments or details of practice can be useful to explore in person!).


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